[ES] La idea surge de la reflexión entre lo que es y no es el lujo y cuándo empieza y acaba la necesidad. Mi duda surge a raíz de una noticia de hace unos meses que contaba cómo habían encontrado en la cueva de Bizmoune, en Marruecos, un collar hecho con pequeñas conchas marinas de unos 150.000 años de antigüedad. No podía dejar de pensar en cómo en el momento en que aquella persona se estaba dedicando a escoger conchas, hacerles pequeños agujeros y unirlos con una cuerda todavía faltaban 140.000 años para que surgiera la agricultura; es decir, 140.000 años antes de tener el alimento asegurado alguien se dedicaba a hacer joyas. La ornamentación que tan superfluo nos parece, forma parte de un lenguaje de símbolos que de alguna manera nos define como seres humanos.
Es un escaparate para la Hermès para presentar una pluma. El título está cogido del homónimo ensayo de Audre Lorde.
[EUS]Luxua zer den eta zer ez den eta beharra noiz hasten eta amaitzen den hausnartzetik sortzen da ideia. Duela hilabete batzuk, Marokoko Bizmoune haitzuloan 150.000 urte inguruko lepoko baten aurkikuntzaren albiste baten harira sortu zitzaidan zalantza. Ezin nuen burutik kendu pertsona hura maskorrak aukeratu, zulo txikiak egin eta soka batekin lotzen ari zen unean 140.000 urte falta zirela nekazaritza sortzeko; hau da, jakia ziurtatuta izan baino 140.000 urte lehenago norbaitek bitxiak egiten zituen. Hain alferrikakoa iruditzen zaigun apaindura, sinboloen hizkuntza baten parte da, nolabait gizaki gisa definitzen gaituena.
Hermèsentzat erakusleiho bat da luma bat aurkezteko. Izenburua Audre Lordek egindako saiakera homonimotik hartua dago.
[ENG] The idea arises from the reflection between what is and is not luxury and when the need begins and ends. My doubt arises from a new a few months ago that told how they had found in the cave of Bizmoune, in Morocco, a necklace made with small seashells about 150,000 years old. I could not help thinking how at the time when that person was choosing shells, making small holes in them and joining them with a string, 140,000 years were still missing before the emergence of agriculture; that is, 140,000 years before food was assured, someone was making jewelry. The ornamentation that seems so superfluous to us, is part of a language of symbols that somehow defines us as human beings.
It is a showcase for Hermès to present a pen. The title is taken from the homonymous essay by Audre Lorde.
Exhibition Proposal
A calculation of how often a book of poetry is published in the world:
The calculation I show and the final figure is obviously not the real one, since I only found the amount of poetry books published per year in the United States, the only thing I could do is to extrapolate it to the world population. What happens is that in order for this number to be real we would need all countries to have the book production of the United States, which seems to me highly improbable.
highly improbable.
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